Happiness Starts Inside

“I was so happy when I was younger.” Who do you think said that to me recently?  An elderly friend? A person facing a 40th birthday and pondering mid-life?  Nope. It was a 13-year-old and my heart nearly broke. The world is her oyster, even if...

Better Family Connection in 2023

Thanksgiving was last week and if you’re anything like me, you’ve already moved on to Christmas and maybe even 2023. This time of year seems to move so much faster than the rest of the year, am I right?  We are programmed to make resolutions or changes in...

The Voices in Our Heads

Is there anyone out there who says mean things to themselves in their heads?  Be honest!  We all have some kind of running dialogue in our heads (our thoughts) and sometimes we take it to a negative place, saying super ugly things to...

What Is A Toxic Friend?

We all have that person in our life who we’ve known for a long time and have always liked spending time with…until we found ourselves realizing that things have changed and we don’t actually enjoy that person anymore.  She makes us feel agitated, she...